In the last post we talked about pods, which are the basic work unit in Kubernetes. Pods are ephemeral, and they may stop running for any number of reasons: node failure, preemption by a higher-priority workload, internal error, etc. When a pod stops, it doesn’t restart on its own. For this, you need a deployment.

A deployment is a level above a pod. Whereas a pod is a (relatively) “tangible” thing in the cluster, a deployment is more like a standing order.

You create a deployment to tell a cluster that, not only should a certain pod be run, but it should always run, and if it stops for some reason, it needs to start back up.

Create a Deployment

To make this more clear, let’s create a deployment. Put the following into a file named myfirstdeployment.yml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: myfirstdeployment
      app: myfirstdeployment
        app: myfirstdeployment
      - name: myfirstdeployment
        image: nginx
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "500m"
        - containerPort: 80

(Again, bonus points for using the VS Code deployment snippet.)

Just like with the pod from earlier, you can apply this file as follows:

kubectl -n <your-ns-name> apply -f myfirstdeployment.yml # tab complete!

Then check to see that the deployment is, indeed, in the cluster:

kubectl -n <your-ns-name> get deployments # tab tab tab tab

Great! Deployment is in the cluster. What does that actually mean, though?

The deployment is merely an instruction to the cluster to run some pods. It can do other fancy things, like create replicas and scale based on increased load, but we won’t worry about that right now.

So if a deployment tells the cluster to run a pod, there should be a pod running, right? Let’s check:

kubectl -n <your-ns-name> get pods

And indeed there is a pod…With a really weird label at the end of its name. That’s for deconfliction purposes, so your deployment can have whatever names it wants (i.e. you can name a pod something generic like nginx or mongo without worrying about other deployments in your namespace).

Now let’s break some things. Try deleting the pod:

kubectl -n <your-ns-name> delete pod <tab-complete-to-get-the-name>

Run a kubectl get to see if there are any pods. Strange…You just deleted the pod, and yet there’s still one there! Check the tag at the end, and you’ll notice that it’s different. What happened?

This is the magic of deployments. You created a deployment to tell the cluster that you always want this pod running, even if something goes wrong. And, in this case, you caused something to go wrong (by deleting the pod). Kubernetes responded by observing that the cluster didn’t reflect the reality you wanted…And modified the cluster accordingly.


Deployments make sure that your pods restart when something goes wrong. They add persistence, in a sense. Generally, you want to use a deployment to create your pods indirectly rather than creating pods directly.

So that answers the issue of keeping pods running even when things go wrong, but we still can’t really do anything useful with pods yet. All we’ve done is kubectl port-forward, and that’s only supposed to be for debugging! In the next post, we’ll introduce the concept of Kubernetes services, which make your precious pods available to other pods inside the cluster.